Friday, February 10, 2012

6" cylinder

This is my "six inch cylinder" which is obviously not 6 inches high. Its actual height is probably about 2 inches tall. This cylinder was created on the wheel and I was unfortunately not able to build my cylinder that high. Working on the wheel is more difficult than it looks. Every time I thought I saw progress in it getting taller, it collapsed so I just left it at 2 inches or so. Once it was off the wheel, I left it to dry for a few days and then tripped the uneven sides and but it in the kiln for the first firing. When it came out, I decided to leave the colors pretty simple. I just put the base color yellow and orange and added green polka dots. I later decided to make the inside of the cylinder purple. All the glaze that was used on this cylinder is low fire glaze. I think it turned out nice beside the fact that it is not quite six inches tall.

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